At the moment it is evenly distributed. In Korea we have 30–35 percent of the market share. We are also selling well in international markets, and selling globally through a partner in the USA. Our revenue in total is now 185 million USD, divided half and half between our own brand products and OEM. In 2012, we also won a national tender in New Zealand to become the sole BGM supplier until 2017. We won this tender again in 2017, so will remain as the sole supplier in New Zealand until 2022.
Overseas, we collaborate with distributors and establish our own offices. If there is a high-quality distributor, we are more than willing to work with them. However, if there is the possibility to establish our brand presence there, we would prefer to make our name known. That being said, it is not possible to open every market. Moreover, without having a renowned brand, it is not possible to attract the best OEM partner. This balance is very important. Opening a market with one’s own brand will bring higher revenues but will also carry with it higher costs for marketing and general maintenance.