Current Share Price
Daily Share Price

Share Price Info

Quote Change Change (%) Open (\) High (\) Low (\) Volume (Share)
18,210 ▼150 -0.82% 18,360 19,200 17,900 153,779

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Real-time stock price

Real-time data as of 2025/01/21 11:19:17 (장중)

KOSDAQ / Healthcare
Previous Close (\) 18,360 Ask (\) 18,210
Previous Volume (Share) 153,779 Bid (\) 18,200
Upper Limit (\) 23,850 52 Week High (\) 29,100
Lower Limit (\) 12,860 52 Week Low (\) 14,520
Substitute Price (\) PER 134.89
Foreign Portion (%) Sector PER
Face Value 500 PBR
Capital (\M)
Quoted Shares 27,641,273
Market Capitalization (\M) 503,348
Listed on

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Ask A&B Bid
60 18,360
110 18,300
372 18,260
109 18,230
1 18,210
18,200 10
18,190 5
18,180 18
18,170 127
18,160 1,903
652 Total 2,063

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Time Traded Price Change Ask (\) Bid (\) Volume(Share)
11:18:50 18,210
18,230 18,200 2
11:18:40 18,210
18,210 18,200 18
11:18:30 18,210
18,230 18,210 5
11:18:20 18,200
18,230 18,210 25
11:17:50 18,200
18,230 18,200 31
11:17:00 18,200
18,230 18,200 20
11:16:50 18,170
18,230 18,180 1,092
11:16:30 18,230
18,230 18,210 114
11:16:10 18,250
18,250 18,240 2
11:15:40 18,230
18,250 18,230 18

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